Not Your Typical Investment Seminar

Not Your Typical Investment SeminarKreate Studios, 3727 Greenbriar Drive #Ste 206 & 207, Stafford, TX 774775:00 PM - 7:00 PM 16nov5:00 PM7:00 PM

Event Details

Learn the 3 key strategies to consider when deciding between rental vs. primary home strategies with #TCREG. Make your money work for you!

When it comes to real estate investing, there are two primary strategies: investing in rental properties or purchasing a primary home. While both options can be lucrative investments, they require different approaches.

This event is for anyone preparing to purchase real estate and asking themselves the question, “Should I buy an investment property or my primary home first?

Benefit from a lender’s perspective and local real estate experts on how to maximize your strategy going into the deal.



(Thursday) 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

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