Want to put some SPRING in your networking step? Join me at my next Garden Oaks/Oak Forest networking breakfast! Combining the best in mastermind practices with proven sales strategies, JenniferJ NIA will help you make connections quickly and forge more meaningful relationships than your typical networking methods. Plus, it’s a whole lot of fun and you’ll meet some amazing people who all share the same passion of helping each other grow!
Ready to see what business networking done right can do for you? Be my guest at our March meeting. You’ll remember it years from now as being a turning point in your business!
Not familiar with this (very) affluent area? This huge neighborhood sits just north of 610 between Yale and TC Jester.
🌟 45,000+ residents
🌟 New construction starts at $1.6M
🌟 Families from The Heights are migrating here for larger lots, bigger homes and award-winning schools.
Space is limited, so RSVP today!
** We start promptly at 8:00